You are NOT BROKEN. The human body is a MIRACULOUS HEALER. It communicates with our consciousness to guide us back to our Self and to the “ALL THAT IS.”

Discover Root Cause

Pain and symptoms are messages. With noetic practices and holistic methods the body can be empowered to heal.

Connect to Nature

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” ~Albert Einstein

Devotion to Union

A major key to harmony and wellness is to honor the dance between the masculine and feminine energies within us and around us.

A Note From Bek

THANK YOU for coming to my website! My intention with BekJoy Holistic Wellness is to connect with and help others on their journey to find their way back to wellness and peace. Here is my story that has brought me to here with you in this moment. I am eternally grateful for ALL THAT IS.

I was chronically ill as a child and it sporadically continued into adulthood. I always caried extra weight and struggled to lose and maintain. In 2014 at age 46 after surgery to remove a cyst and an ovary my health completely tanked. Conventional medicine practitioners told me all my tests and bloodwork were normal and I just needed to lose weight and accept “common” symptoms of early menopause. I went to a couple of specialists. I was offered prescription medications for several of my complaints. I wanted to fix the issues not just treat the symptoms. I began a quest to find better answers and the root causes of my long list of symptoms and mystery illnesses. Watching my mom’s health deteriorate for decades was additional motivation for me to do all I could to reverse the downward health spiral I found myself in.

My obsession to be “well” constantly consumed my thoughts and drove many decisions and actions. I spent hours, days, weeks, and years reading, researching, searching for and choosing doctors and practitioners, going to appointments, sessions, and obtained both physical and talk therapy. I was able to reduce most symptoms and eliminate some of them with diet, supplements, and many holistic modalities. I took a short leave of absence from a stressful corporate job. I spent thousands of dollars and thousands of hours chasing “wellness”. This went on for six long years. During this six-year-quest my mental and spiritual health was poor to say the least. I questioned everything in my life. I was in a constant state of fear. Afraid I would never feel good. Fearful that I could never be the best mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt and friend as I possibly could. I really, really wanted to be my best self. Being broken was the background record playing in my head 24/7. Desperation was my vibe. This energy state kept me sick and stuck.

My mom passed away in Feb 2019. The stress of her chronic-turned-terminal-illness and subsequent death, in addition to my own struggles, had taken it’s toll on me and I experienced another crash. I felt like nothing was right in my life and I felt completely broken and hopeless. I had no idea who I was, what I wanted in life, or how I was going to figure it out without taking drastic measures. I had debilitating physical symptoms that were causing me to constantly feel bad and inadequate about myself, and guilty of being a bad wife and mom. I went from my bed to my home office desk and back to my bed during the work week for many months. I thought I was going to explode if something didn’t change. I didn’t even have the capacity to interact with my then husband at all. I didn’t stop caring about him, but my nervous system literally could not deal. I very strongly felt the need to live alone. I separated from my husband. I took another leave of absence from my demanding and stressful job. These decisions almost broke me, but there was a whisper in my ear saying it was going to be okay, encouraging me to follow my gut and heart. I also couldn’t stop re-calling what my Mom said to me close to her death: “It’s too late for me Rebecca, but not for you. You can do it!” For a while it was for her that I wanted to get well, and even though now I do it for myself, it still feels like I am honoring her when I am taking good care of myself.

I have worked closely with phenomenal practitioners: a Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, Cranial Sacral Therapist, and a few different Energy Healers. I attended spiritual retreats. I read, bought and consumed all the holistic healing and bio hacking information I could get ahold of on the internet and at the local library. I started to truly CARE FOR myself. I made strides by learning about how to take back my own mind from cultural conditioning and critical self-judgement. These thought changes and brain re-wiring had a huge impact on my healing progress! I started to treat and improve my trauma response mechanisms, nervous system dysregulation, and hormone imbalances. Getting back in touch with nature daily, and balancing, honoring, and nurturing my inner masculine and feminine energies have also been critical pieces that contribute to my current feelings of inner peace. I have come to know there is no perfect health to obtain. Nothing to achieve later. All is well NOW. Even when it feels like it’s not.

In 2022 I resigned from my corporate job. I obtained a Health Coach Certificate, a Root Cause Certificate, and became a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. I have had training in Muscle Testing that I use as a tool to support myself as well as clients in this constant healing journey that is currently life as humans on earth. I have many years of personal experiences that have added to my knowledge and increased my ability to empathize with a wide range of people and issues. I personally have experienced a profound identity transformation. It’s been a wild ride. If any part of my story resonates with you, and/or you feel called to work together, I would be honored to assist and walk beside you on your personal path to wellness and peace. We can connect with a free discovery session to confirm we are a good match. To connect send me an email at or a Direct Message on Instagram to @bekjoywellness. You will receive a reply as soon as possible, likely within 24 hours. We will discuss your concerns, support needs, and how I can best help you to create a sacred space that allows for deep healing.

Blessings & Joy, ~ Bek xo